Thursday, January 18, 2007

No Synopsis

Neverending sunray on the water outside the Bais Chana classroom

I’ve been back from my trip with Bais Chana in Key Largo for a few days now.

Or, at least, I’m kind of back.

I haven’t quite landed in Crown Heights yet.

I’m hanging in pendulum, my feet almost touching the ground.

I’m looking around, and can’t understand why everyone is rushing around and acting normally when I just went through something like this.

The pressure to write a synopsis about the experience is present, but for my own sanity – I just can’t. I still feel a little delicate, my insides are speeding every second to make more room to take it all in.

I want to say I’m a changed person, but the finality in those words leave out the reality that this new journey will continue onward.

I just need to be a little quiet.

I can’t spill this one out.

And besides, there’s no synopsis when it comes to capturing a soul journey.

There’s no synopsis when it comes to reaffirming the pressing need to teach truth.

There’s no synopsis when it comes to realizations of just how alive my people are.

In short, I feel as though I experienced something close to a revelation that took place on a humble desert mountain over 3,000 years ago.

In all my steps, my words, and my writing henceforth, these past two weeks will surely find a home.

It’s with me, wherever I go.

So let’s go.


Anonymous said...


I know the exact feeling.

The high that is Bais Chana.

I totally relate to what you write about everyone else rushing around, yet you are still in thought, still taking it in, still changing.

It is the most beautiful experience in the world.

The only thing is to shout out to the world "GO TO BAIS CHANA", and then they can experience the truth, the high, the beauty.

I love you, and I hope that you never truly land.

Anonymous said...

did anything fun, exciting, relaxing, amusing over there??

Anonymous said...

whats this beis chana? cant wait to hear about it

Pimplesoflife said...

mimi im soo jelouse! i really wish i was at every program ...
its an amzaing! program!!!
and everyone should go!

Rach said...

welcome "back"

Raizel said...

yup Mim, a spiritual journey can never be captured in the limited expression of words because it so transcends it. I'm so glad for you that you were able to have such a meaningful, deep, enriching experience.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Mimi said...

Are you spying on me?

You can e-mail me personally if you wish for an answer, response.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that you deleted my comment. Is that because what I wrote was painfully true? Very interesting...

Mimi said...

Yea, it IS painful, want to hear why? You can e-mail me.

I don't mind addressing what you wrote, just seems you're not looking for a response. Also, I try to keep certain things (like my address, hello...) private. So that particular comment needed deleting.

I'm sorry if you don't understand.