(Rabbi Stroch with fruit and vodka he brought to class in honor of Yud Shvat)
I am just a young bearded guy wearing a dusty black hat. What do I have to teach you? Who am I? I haven't been doing this for too long. But, whatever, I can tell you what I've learned. Of that, I am capable. For I am alive and passionate. I believe in something. I want to share it. I can't keep it in. You just have to hear this. You just can't live without knowing this.
I sit humbly in this crowded classroom. I play with my beard and sway back and forth. I'm concentrating. I'm investing myself in the souls in front of me.
Alright, it's 7:15. Class has started.
Let's do this.
He lifts his head.
Girls, this is a secret. No one else will tell you this. But I will.
He sips his water.
There are whole worlds out there that have been hidden. But they
exists in a real way.
He pauses and closes his eyes.
Let me make G-d real to you. Let's try and see him in this very room.
He grasps his beard.
This is why you were born.
This is the makeup of your soul.
This is your mission.
This is your Rebbe.
This is what G-d's doing right now.
This is why grass is green.
This is the beginning of all life.
This is what's truly meaningful. This and nothing else.
Let me show you what we can't see. There. You see it now.
This is how you'll change the world.
This is why you struggle. This is why you cry.
This is what you've been looking for.
Yes, you. And you and you. Rise to the occasion.
Question me. Get angry. Cry. Let's get to the core.
Leave this classroom.
You will find this truth outside. It's everywhere.
Bang. Crash. Smash.
A world is broken into and built up.
This all happens in a crowded classroom - with a Chabad Rabbi and
twenty strong, thirsting, questioning, and fired up girls.
It all happens because of the Rebbe's vision.
It's hitting the core.
It's explosive.
It's magic.
It's other-wordly.
It's nonsensical.
It's Chabad.
It's intuitive if we don't contaminate our minds with that which covers it up. I am happy that exploring and truly becoming conscious of these things is paramount in the Rebbe's vision, as I believe it's highly appropriate for our times. I think that we're all capable of realizing these truths, Chabad or not, Jewish or not.
I'd say that it's this-worldly, and miraculous versus magical. But I get your sentiment.
How do we tap into it... tell us more! More! More!
Dov, I agree with you wholly. It is the job of mankind to uncover truth, not only Jews or certain sects of Jews. There is no need to call these things other-worldy to render them beautiful. They can be of this world and equally astonishing.
I think other worldly is a way of describing something that is above the natural boundries of the world. It is something that is super-natural to our instinctive way of living. The key is to take the other worldliness and bring it down to OUR world and make it an integral part of our nature. to tap into that, I believe you need chassidus, the highest form of wisdom.
Can it be that we can achieve the highest form of wisdom? Because I don't know anybody that is on the level of Moshe Rabbeinu, Shlomo Hamelech, Shmuel Hanavi, etc. But I do know people who study and have knowledge of "other-worldy", of metaphysical ideas. Yes, they are talmidei chachamim or just ppl. who study Torah occasionally, but they do not possess the highest form of wisdom nor do they study chassidus. I don't mean to be brash,please don't take this the wrong way. I just had to disagree. There are many approaches to the study of metaphysics.
1. Chassidus {and Kabbalah for that matter} are not studies of metaphysics. It is not philosophical and is not assume or extrapolated. It is the study of G-dliness. It is Torah and it is divinely inspired.
It therefore requires a bit of faith to believe that it is the highest form of knowledge. There are plenty of mathematics which are much more complex. Science can be more complex. In fact that is the major philisophical flaw with Chassidus and Kabbalah, the simplicity of it makes all else that's more complex seem more reliable.
To understand why Chassidus is the highest form of wisdom, one must first understand what Chassidus is. Chassidus is the highest form of wisdom, not because one has to be wise to understand it {they need not be a Shlomo Hamelech}, but because that which it comprises is the study of G-d and how our world is inherently G-dly. G-dliness is unlimited and therefore we can only grasp small amounts of it. It has to be composed in expressions that speak to common people. This is the highest form of human wisdom because it gives you the greatest appreciation of G-d, the highest form that a mortal can achieve through intellect alone.
3. Moshe Rabbenu and Shlomo Hamelech were certainly brilliant, but one need not be them to begin to understand G-dliness. Chassidus, as the Rebbeim have always stressed, is Shava L'chol Nefesh- equally amenable to all people.
Tahnk you for taking the time to respond. I think that we differ in very core fundamentals. We're operating based on totally different premises. It's really a discussion that is endless and intense, and won't really be given justice in typing. I geuss that's all that can really be said.
Oh sorry, if you noticed, I missed #2 above...
2. The difference between Chassidus and other parts of Torah that deal with philosophy and other worlds is that those deal with philospohical issues, explaining how G-d could and does exist, while Chassidus already presumes knowledge of G-ds existence. It's prime aims are to explain the functions of the world, the world's being G-dliness and not seperate thereof and of G-ds complete loftiness. It is the highest form of knowledge because it precludes the philosophical aspects and speaks of what G-dliness is.
Truth be told, you cannot understand what it is, until you've studied it- Ta'amu U'reu Ki Tov.
hehe, thanks for number two, but like i said...totally different schools of thought we come from. thanks, nemo.
To Dov and Rachel, who shared similar responses:
You're right on with your reaction to my blog post. Words like "magical" and "other-worldly" came out because I was attempting to convey the feeling of sitting in a class like I described. But, yes, in reality - what was described is entirely a THIS-world experience. It's something that hopefully extends into the deepest of this world, and not just in classrooms.
In regards to your sentiments about truth being for all mankind and not just "sects", I couldn't agree more. In fact, when I say Chabad, I mean the world. I mean all Jews. I mean non-Jews. Why? Because Chabad itself has extended their beliefs, Judaism's heart, to all the world. And it's only Chabad that I and most of this world recognizes and experiences as actually following through with such a stance. It's not an idea, but a reality.
You both express a belief that the truths of this world are for everyone. Of course. But who passionately pursues this Jewish concept more than Chabad? Who not only believes this in their houses, by their computers...but takes it to the streets? Who but Chabad?
Chabad doesn't believe they are a sect. They believe they are the world. And they act accordingly.
Happy birthday, Mimi! I hope all is well. I miss you and G-d willing I'll see you soon.
yes yes yes
i am so happy to have been blessed with the chance to access this Wisdom-this Essence of my Creator! i know where im from and where i should be going. mimi, u love chassidus and you do an out of this world [ ;) ] job at transmitting that love. ironically (or maybe its not so ironic), i only appreciated and began to see the 'chochma' [again ;) ]of chabad once i left the 'system'.
rachel-can you explain where you are 'coming from'?
(seems like tis ur bday, mimi..mazel tov if it is!)
I love the way you expressed in the comment section how Chabad acts accordingly, and takes it to the streets.
And, as you said this is not an arguable thought...it is simply reality.
Well done. Very clear headed and...well...Thanks.
A true lesson with every post.
This is why you struggle. This is why you cry....
why? why? why?
This is why you struggle. This is why you cry....
why? why? why?
This is why you struggle. This is why you cry....
why? why? why?
This is why you struggle. This is why you cry....
why? why? why?
This is why you struggle. This is why you cry....
why? why? why?
This is why you struggle. This is why you cry....
why? why? why?
This is why you struggle. This is why you cry....
why? why? why?
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