This is not how it was supposed to be, the girl told herself.
The images, all led up this?
Her idealistic self came crashing against her reality
And for a while, she couldn't find herself
Her drive to be on fire set off alarms
Why can't I love everything I'm doing?
Why am I looking for more?
Was I real about being G-d's messenger?
But deep down the girl knows what all descents are for...
The girl went to visit the Ohel, the Rebbe's resting place
Where the Rebbe is anything but resting
On the video, the Rebbe spoke to the girl
He said, "Sometimes, it may happen, specifically when you're on G-ds
mission, you have hardships..."
He looked directly at the girl.
With deep urgency in his voice, he concluded that "the only proper
response is to do what you're doing and do it with three times more
the amount, with three times more energy!"
The rebbe reminded the girl that, "Oh, yes...this is G-d's mission."
So the girl is discovering a newfound inner strength
She's finding the happiness and energy that exists no matter what you're doing
That everyday is a gift
That G-d is everywhere
That there are sparks to lift
And there's not time to waste
She's starting to grasp the reality that you make the mission
You define your reality
You make the choice
But most of all
She's discovering tha sometimes the mission has more to do with
What you're needed for
And not what you need
So, with all this, she's coming to terms with a fear
That her deep down burning
Her true inner mission
And will not
So she's starting to run again
She's starting to write again
She's starting to feel G-d's hug
Avinu Malkenu
He is our father
And second, he is our king
But, he is our father first
The girl found that, no matter where your soul lies...
No matter how down, vulnerable, and empty...
If you still look for Him...
He responds with the greatest smile
may hashem continue to guide 'the girl' and give her a clear mind and heart
Yayy, you're back to blogging! I want to hear more about how your mission is going! Or I'd love to hear in Seattle for the chagim at all?
Very well written,
I get the dept of it since I feel the same way most of the time...and I have to push myself to do anything at all.
have A Gutten Kvitel.
And the descent brings her up even higher then she was before... I am so happy your back again ;)
very nice! Got the chills.
I'm so glad you're back (no, you don't know me, I'm just a loyal reader :-) ) Very nice post and hatzlacha on continuing on your mission with full force. Shlucho shel adam kmoso. Hope to see more posts soon!
happy healthy new year
dear Mimi,
Sometimes it frightening how fast G-d is quick to answer. Sometimes when were lucky he answers before we ever ask.
the past few days i have been feeling sick about how i am treating my shlichus. How i havent really put myself into it. I did and then i didnt get the results i imagined. that never happened to me before. But that message.. That said it all. Who the hell cares... when u feel like this get back on track, get back and give it all you've got. treat every program like its the event of the year.
I cannot believe this. I just logged on to see if u had anything new or interesting to say. i wasnt expecting this. I know ur not about to give ur email address over ur blog, but i would love to be in contact with you.
Mimi thank you so much.
keep putting ur best foot forward.
You really changed my life. my perspective.
A fellow BC groupie...
long black wavy hair, saw u twice this summer....
with love...
hmmmm wonder who that cud be
how are u darling
Hey guys,
we have to come here to reuinion?!
Mimi, i'm so happy that you're back to the blog! I'm glad the shlichus thing is working out.. we found someone on our end.. Glad you're enjoying the NY scene!
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